Prime Minister opens the second International Cycling Tour of North Cyprus
Date Added: 17 February 2017, 12:03

Yesterday saw the start of the second International Cycling Tour of North Cyprus , in which 139 cyclists from different countries are participating.

Prime Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün opened the tour at Kyrenia Gate.

18 teams from 16 countries participated in the cycling tour which is being held under the auspices of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Prime Ministry and with the contributions of Northern Cyprus Cycling Federation, Sports Department and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment. The slogans for the event are “While you live, discover as long as you ride” and “World cyclists are exploring Northern Cyprus”.

Over the course of the tour, a distance of 543 kilometres will be covered at 4 stages, over4 days.

More than 400 guests are being hosted in the country, including sportsmen and technical teams. Press teams from abroad are also present in the TRNC in order to follow the tour.