As of today (6/09/21), the QR code to be obtained from web address will be requested from people aged 18 and over who will enter the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by using air, sea and land gates.
According to the decision taken by the Communicable Diseases High Committee on 1st September, those who will enter the country as of today (06/09/21) will complete the passenger form in web address before the trip and will enter the island with the QR code to be obtained.
People who do not add their personal information to the site and do not receive a QR code will not be able to enter the country.
The documents with Adapass code from TRNC citizens, Healthpass from Turkish citizens, Greenpass from EU citizens and NHS QR code from UK citizens will be required and checked during the entry to the country.
Citizens of other countries are required to add their valid vaccination cards and/or PCR test results to the section specified in the application and to bring the attached documents with them as they will be checked upon entry to the country.