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Oktay: “This disrespect towards Atatürk is essentially the clearest indication of the Greek Cypriots’ hostility towards the Turkish presence on the island”  
Date Added: 10 September 2021, 13:19
Oktay: "Cumhuriyetimizin kurucusu Atatürk'e ve onun nezdinde milletimize yapılan bu saygısızlık, Rumların Ada'daki Türk varlığına karşı hazımsızlığının en net göstergesidir"

Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay condemned the instruction given by the Greek Cypriot Ministry of Education to tear the page from the textbook containing Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk from the textbook used in the schools.

In his post on his Twitter account, Oktay reminded the Greek Cypriot authorities that it would not be possible to erase the historical heritage that the past has placed on their shoulders by tearing pages from the textbooks, and said, “This disrespect towards the founder of our Republic, Atatürk, and our nation in his presence, is essentially the clearest indication of the Greek Cypriots’ hostility  towards the Turkish presence on the island. I condemn it!”.