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Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus regarding the series “Famagusta”
Date Added: 03 September 2024, 10:27

The trailer for the Greek Cypriot series “Famagusta”, which was announced to be released on a digital platform on 20 September 2024, contains blood-curdling scenes that portray the events that took place on the Island of Cyprus in an unrealistic manner.

As part of the ongoing propaganda of the Greek Cypriot side, the images contained in the series claim that the Cyprus issue started with a “war” in 1974, appallingly attempting to slander the glorious Turkish army as the party that threatened the lives of civilians. We strongly condemn the producers of the said series and the digital platform on which it will be released. We call for the series, which is based on false, inaccurate and biased claims, not to be broadcast.

Historical facts which cannot be ignored include the atrocities perpetrated against the Turkish Cypriot people up until the inevitable intervention of Motherland Türkiye in 1974 deriving from her legitimate rights stemming from the 1960 International Treaties; the fact that the United Nations Peacekeeping Force was deployed on the island in 1964; as well as the massacres committed against the Turkish Cypriot people, whereby those who were lucky enough to survive were condemned to live in ghettos corresponding to three percent of the island.

With Türkiye’s legitimate intervention, the bloodshed on the island ended. Today, the only party that ensures and preserves peace in Cyprus is Motherland Türkiye and the presence of the Turkish Army.

Contrary to the results they aim to achieve, such attempts to distort the realities on the ground only show how justified our struggle is and strengthen our determination to defend our just cause on every platform.

This year, the Turkish Cypriot people are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation with great pride and joy. The 20th of July 1974 is the day of liberation of the Turkish Cypriot people who have endured years of pain and agonies with courage and patience. It is the symbol of the protection of our sovereign rights and equal status on the island and no attempt will be able to overshadow this fact.

On this occasion, we once again remember our martyrs with mercy and our veterans with gratitude.