Ertuğruloğlu meets with Akça
Date Added: 22 September 2017, 13:12

Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu continues his meetings in New York this week, where he attended the annual Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Council of Ministers meeting, organised within the framework of the United Nations General Assembly.

As a part of this, Minister Ertuğruloğlu met with ECO Secretary General Halil İbrahim Akça yesterday to discuss relations between the TRNC and ECO and potential avenues for further collaboration. Ertuğruloğlu announced that he will host ECO member states in the TRNC in the coming months at two important events: the Second Workshop on “Best applications in capacity development and biological variety” and the “Fourth eco-tourism experts meeting”, in October and December respectively.

ECO Secretary General Halil İbrahim Akça welcomed the full involvement and role of the TRNC in hosting ECO meetings, and expressed his confidence in the success of these future ECO events in the TRNC.